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Ask a Nutritionist: Is Eating Chips Everyday Unhealthy?

Hi Dan, If I eat chips every day for lunch will this have any negative health effects if the rest of my diet is healthy and I’m young and only planning to eat like this for a year maximum?

cartoon image of a man sweating and panicking as he tries to prevent himself from eating a chip

This is such an ‘it depends’ question but I’ll try my best; be warned I’m going to chuck a few questions back for you to think about.

Nutrition can end up being complicated because most of the negative health effects we see take years, if not decades, to appear by which point the damage has been done. This makes it tricky to study nutrition and also tricky for people to follow advice. Humans are really bad at accurately assessing long-term consequences, if people don’t see immediate results it can be so easy to fall off the wagon and give up.

Also, people are different, what affects one person a lot might not affect another at all. Smoking is a good example of this because not everyone who smokes gets lung cancer, it depends on a lot of factors, some within our control and some not. What I’m talking about here is risk.

Smoking increases your risk of lung cancer, but it doesn’t mean you’re definitely going to get lung cancer. Similarly, eating chips everyday will increase your risk of experiencing negative health effects (not as much as smoking mind you), but doesn’t guarantee you will experience any negative consequences.

Another problem – yes, there are more problems – with nutrition is we don’t eat in isolation. What I mean by that is you’re eating chips… but what could you be eating instead? What are you eating them with? How is this affecting your appetite later on? How does it affect your mental health and energy levels and how does this further impact your diet? I know you know that eating chips every day isn’t a good idea; otherwise you wouldn’t be asking me this question.

So my question to you is why are you planning to eat chips for lunch everyday for a year? Is it for convenience? If so, then there are plenty of healthier convenient foods – *cough cough* Huel – to fill that gap. If you’re just asking the question out of interest then I’m afraid I can’t give you a straight answer.

To summarise and answer your question directly: I have no idea. You may not notice any negative effects at all, but I wouldn’t advise trying to find out.


Maybe it will, maybe it won’t, unfortunately I’m a nutritionist not a psychic.