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Huel Protein Pancake Recipes

Love pancakes? Love Huel? Check out these two flippin' epic protein pancake recipes – perfect for Pancake Day (or any day, really...)

A stack of Huel Pancakes with Blueberries on top and powdered sugar

Did you know that you can use Huel Powder v3.0 – or Complete Protein – as a replacement for flour in your pancake recipe? You do now. Check out our recipes below along with some of our top protein pancake making tips.

Flip your way to tastier protein pancakes with these top tips

Oat flour for the win

Many protein pancake recipes use a combination of half flour and half protein powder, with the powder serving as a replacement for flour. This can give a real flavour punch and some added muscle fuel, but it's important not to use too much.

Oat flour, which is naturally gluten-free, is a great option for protein pancake recipes, but if gluten isn't a concern, plain flour can also be used.

Invest in a good pan

When it comes to a successful pancake day, a good non-stick pan is essential. If you're going to be flipping on the regular though you might want to invest in a specialist pancake pan.

These pans will have a shallow lip that aids flipping, the optimum non-stick surface, and a thin, flat metal base for quick heat distribution and even cooking.

Have enough liquid to hand

Protein powders absorb a lot of liquid (and can be a bit dry as a result), so make sure to use enough liquid like a vegan milk, mashed banana, apple puree, or mashed sweet potato.

Protein pancake flipping is an art form

To flip your pancake properly, wait till your mixture has cook on one side. It should come away from the pan when you give it a shake. Then tip the pancake to the edge of the pan and flip. It's the same action as you would use when making a stir-fry with a wok – a confident flick of the wrist.

Huel Complete Protein pancake recipe

Check out our Protein Pancake recipe on TikTok, made using Huel Complete Protein.

Huel Powder v3.0 pancake recipe

Makes about seven pancakes

  • 3 scoops Vanilla Huel Powder v3.0

  • 1 tsp baking powder

  • 300ml dairy free milk

  • (optional) 1/2 tsp mixed spice

  • (optional) 60g blueberries

  • (optional) juice and zest of 1/2 lemon


  • Mix the dry ingredients together.

  • Pour in about half the milk and mix well.

  • Add remaining milk slowly, mixing until smooth.

  • Spoon into a lightly oiled pan and cook until the top edges of the pancake are beginning to look drier than the middle, then flip over and cook on the other side.

For blueberry and lemon pancakes, add the grated rind of half a lemon, replace the milk with the juice of half a lemon and stir in 60g of blueberries. Cook as before.