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10 Money, Time, and Energy Saving Podcasts to Listen to Right Now

Big on savings? You're in the right place (*wink wink*). Have a read of these podcast picks and start making some positive switches.

We truly are living in the time of the podcast. According to Podcast Index, there are over 4 million podcasts to listen to, and 464.7 million podcast listeners globally, as of 2023. That’s a whole lot of listeners, but also a hefty slice of aural goodness to get stuck into, from true crime capers through to celebrity chit-chats.

Here we’re focusing purely on the podcasts that will help you save – a pressing concern for the majority of us at the moment. That’s saving money, of course, the big one. But also saving time – a 30 second Huel meal only has mealtime covered. What about the rest of your day?

And then, energy saving. The health of our planet is plummeting, but we can still restore the balance (have a read of our 50 small ways to be more sustainable article for some more eco-friendly tips). Ready to start saving?

The best time-saving podcasts

The Tim Ferriss Show

Author of The 4-Hour Work Week, Tim Ferris is one of the world’s most popular productivity gurus – a life-hack master with nearly 2 million devoted Twitter followers and, of course, a hit podcast. (Note to self: are you even a productivity guru if you don’t have a hit podcast?)

The show follows a familiar set-up, with Ferriss welcoming an array of guests within the broad topic of self-development.

From world-renowned sleep expert Dr. Matthew Walker revealing the tools for insomnia, to famed music producer Rick Rubin talking languidly about helpful distractions, and ‘Atomic Habits’ author James Clear on the science behind breaking bad habits - the discussions are always interesting, and most importantly, practical.

Routines & Ruts

Some days flow, others just never really get going. Routines & Ruts is about dragging yourself through the latter.

Episodes flit between interviews with journalists, writers, and general creative types (the sort who encounter creative blocks all the time), and reflections from host Madeleine Dore, author of “I Didn’t Do The Thing Today”. Basically, if you’re in a rut, this is the tips and tricks podcast to help you cut the procrastination and get back into flow mode.

The Minimalists

Emmy-nominated Netflix stars and New York Times–bestselling authors Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus, along with with co-host T.K. Coleman – are on a three man mission to declutter the world.

Expect discussions on time-saving (of, course), pet ownership, toxic hustle culture, and, for when you’ve taken the streamlining too far, recluttering.

Power Hour

Making time to pursue your dreams – even for just an hour – sounds easy on paper. That is until you actually try and find those 60 mins…

That’s where the Power Hour comes in as host Adrienne Herbert speaks to leading coaches, creatives, change makers and innovators to find out about their morning routines, daily habits, and rules to live by. Got a dream? Lend your ears to this pod.

The best money-saving podcasts

The Martin Lewis Podcast

A household name in the UK, Martin Lewis is the founder of and one of the most respected personal finance experts in the space.

His podcast steers very current and focused on the issues that his everyday listeners are enduring, with Lewis sharing a number of valuable tips to help you hold onto your money, and start growing it.

So Money with Farnoosh Torabi

Farnoosh Torabi is basically to Americans, what Lewis is to Brits.

The personal finance expert and TV personality, has struck gold with her So Money podcast, which has had over 25 million listens. The advice generally lends itself to a US audience (like Martin Lewis and the UK) but some episodes do take on more general, worldwide concerns, like a particularly enlightening listen on the financial benefits of going plant-based.

Smart Money Happy Hour

Are you saving for a sunny day? Maybe that summer festival, or a week on the beach?

Smart Money Happy Hour has your name all over it. It sees hosts Rachel Cruze and George Kamel go deep into the peculiar intersection between pop culture and working out ways to afford a life you love – from the magic salary for happiness and shocking cost of tying the knot, to money lessons from Love Is Blind, and how Prince Harry bagged himself an 8-figure book deal.

The best energy-saving podcasts

How to save a planet

We’re all hopefully open to the climate change conversation, but the overwhelming nature of it can be tough to engage with.

How to Save a Planet breaks it down in ways we can relate to, with simple calls to action and engaging stories, like how to make riding bicycles cool, why our lawns are bad for the environment, and how to take your retirement savings out of fossil fuels.

Costing the Earth

We’re a sucker for a witty play on words and a good energy-saving podcast. Costing the Earth is working for us on both levels then.

Broadcast by BBC Radio 4, it’s presented by a series of environmental journalists with each episode tackling the nitty gritty of some well-discussed issues in the environmental space (and some less well-known). From car-free cities and carbon-neutral rock concerts, to episodes on the sustainability of golf courses, there’s bound to be an episode to interest you.

What Planet Are We On…?

What Planet Are We On…? features climate solutions and practical tips, mixed in with fireside chats from eco campaigners, experts, and A-list celebs (like Hueligan Idris Elba).

Sounds like a winning formula for an energy-saving podcast if you ask us.